Beverage Suppliers Need Their Depletion Data
As an importer or supplier, you need to know how your product is selling at the Retail Account Level (RAD). However, since in most cases, your customer is the distributor in their network, how can you tell who is buying your product? The sales through the distributors are usually called depletions and without the ability to gather and analyze this information, you have very little insight to a major part of your business.
Most Distributors produce depletion data from their ERP systems or a separate Vendor Depletion Reporting System. They will usually include sales by product line, item, size. Some will also provide inventory levels of your products and SKU’s.
Different Distributors, Different Formats
The good news is the information is available, but how will you collect and make sense out of it? The reports will come in from each distributor in their format with the own unique coding for item numbers, descriptions, pack sizes, etc. Some will be in bottles and some will be in cases. Putting this information into a meaningful format and scrubbing the data is a time consuming job. To add to the work, you may get this data in spreadsheets or PDF reports.
Ignoring the need to understand this part of your business is not an option. Making it a job for the internal staff is one way to go. You can have your sales team trying to get this information and cut and paste it into spreadsheets or you can have them out driving your sales and building your brand. The solution depends on your desire to work on your core business or do part time data processing.
Finally, a Solution to Your Depletion Problems (Beverage Industry)
Our Depletion Management services will take this entire job off your hands and give you the data and reporting to understand your business. Because this is one of our core business functions, you will get your information very quickly since we have a team of people processing the data as soon as it is available.
This will give you not only the data but the information you need. How are you doing compared to last month, last year? Are you getting the on premise sales you want? How many new Accounts were opened with your products? Are your promotions giving you the results you need?